Peace Lutheran Church in Baldwin, WI began sending short-term travelers yearly to Western Kenya in 2008 at the invitation of two onsite missionaries, Drs. Gerry and Nan Hardison. At that time they saw the large number of orphans struggling for food accessibility, education and medical care, some even living with HIV. Peace met with a few local Kenyans to decide how they might assist the orphans. At that time, Peace wondered about acquiring land and building an orphanage. During those meetings, Peace quickly heard an overall desire for the children to be placed with individual families as their guardians to better foster a life of a “normal” family situation, rather than stigma which could come from an orphanage life. Peace did not desire to do things in the Westerners way, but hoped to work with the locals in assisting them further in doing things the Kenyan way. The Kenyan community expressed their desire to stay away from politics and specific denominations, but be a Bible-based group yearning to reach out to the hurting children and poverty stricken community in healthy ways. Peace and the Kenyan locals called this ministry His Arms Orphan Project, which then operated through Peace Lutheran, 2084 County Road N, Baldwin WI 54002 as one of their ministries reaching out in the global community.
This project existed as a community-based organization for several years. By late 2019, when Peace realized the program had grown tremendously, they encouraged the Kenyan His Arms Orphan Project to become their own NGO (non-governmental organization). This would establish the organization within the legal standards called for by Kenyan government and with 100% transparency. An attorney was hired by Peace in Nairobi to oversee this extensive legal process. Credible, honest leadership within the Kenyan workers was established and much teaching of boundaries, transparent bookkeeping, and safe guidelines were taught. On January 3, 2020 the NGO in Kenya established His Arms Children’s Project as fully registered within that country receiving financial donations from Peace.
Peace Lutheran Church Leadership quickly realized the entire program had grown, with the 148 children taken in since its beginnings in 2008. Although children within the program had graduated, HACP was still overseeing 100 plus children and their family units. In early 2020, Peace told the team of USA members they now felt it was time for the USA group to become their own 501(c)(3), and not work under Peace's umbrella any longer. Peace felt they did not had the staff to oversee such an operation, but would surely donate toward the group whenever possible. In the fall of 2020, a USA attorney was hired to assist in filing the paperwork for the His Arms Children's Project, Inc to become fully incorporated in the state of WI. On December 15, 2020 that process had been complete.
The orphaned children in the Kenyan counties of Vihiga, Siaya and Kisumu still needed assistance. In many ways, the COVID pandemic had caused even further disruptions to struggling families. Food insecurities were multiplied. Education was non-existent for the year. Medical problems had increased, with many more children suffering with illnesses like Malaria. The HACP Kenya NGO and the new leadership from HACP USA were constantly in communication. Peace continued to encourage their USA supporters, donors and others that had previously been involved with the ministry of His Arms Orphan Project, to continue to financially help these children with the newly established HACP Kenya. For the USA supporters to continue to help these Kenyan orphans and keep this project going so that the children not only survive, but continue to thrive, would make a difference in the lives of these children.
Through it all, a program that began with only 12 donors around the USA, now has had over 148 children being assisted in Kenya. The Kenyan children are receiving food, clothing, medical supplies and an education. Some have even graduated from Secondary school, which before had been only a dream.
We continue to surround this Project in prayers. Because of so many donors from around the USA, we are blessed to continue to reach out as "His Arms" to spread love, encouragement, and a hope for a bright future to as many orphaned Kenyan children as we can.

We aim to prayerfully follow the Lord's directions in reaching out to the hurting children orphaned in the rural Ekwanda area of Kenya.
We strive to maintain high standards of credibility in the operations of this program both in the USA and Kenya.
It is our ultimate goal that these precious children we work with may experience and feel the Lord's presence in their life by experiencing loving support.
May we be His Arms as we connect donors in the USA with these struggling Kenyan children.